Did you know that less than 1 in 1000 Australians have seen a platypus in the wild? Give yourself a great chance to join that exclusive group by coming along on a platytpus excursion at Adjinbilly!

Cambanoora Gorge (Condamine Gorge) is home to many platypus. It is not unusual to see platypus at the crossings where there are larger waterholes. We see them often when we drive through the gorge. Platypus love living here and we have to make sure that they will always choose to live here.

We run a platypus excursion in the late afternoons till around dusk.

In the past I have often failed to see any platypus at locations where the advertising says they live. They are quite elusive and shy creatures. But it is different here! The exciting aspect of our excursions is that on average we see three platypus and often more each time. Even though we can’t guarantee you’ll see platypus every time, we have rarely been unsuccessful.

The excursion involves walking so we recommend that you wear good closed shoes and also jeans (to protect from any stinging nettles).

Because we take only small numbers of guests on our excursions, you will have the opportunity to talk with, and learn from your guide as we walk along. It is an intimate  experience in that there are no barriers or platforms and you can comfortably sit beside the beautiful river where sometimes the platypus are only a couple metres away.

Your guide will show you their burrows and explain how they live, feed, reproduce and rear their young – and of course, attempt to answer any other questions you might have!
It is a great opportunity for photographs and many guests have left here with photographs and video of the platypus in the wild.

See the gallery for more photos.


Call (07) 4664 1599 to make your booking today!
